Virtual Epidemiology Research Program

Note: The VER Program has been replaced with a new program offering through a partnership between LS-NSSA and PRISM S-STEM. Please check back for updates.

The Virtual Epidemiology Research (VER) Program is a collaboration between the Louis Stokes North Star STEM Alliance (LS-NSSA), Century College, Minneapolis Technical & Community College (Minneapolis College), National Science Foundation, and the 3M Foundation. The VER Program is a 5-week introductory research experience in epidemiology, engaging students in an authentic research experience early to prepare them for a 10-week, full time traditional research program during the summer. This is a paid opportunity! Participants will receive a stipend of up to $500 (contingent on participation and attendance) for 4 weeks. Students may participate and have other commitments (classes or work). 

About the program

A global health crisis has arisen causing most of the world to modify and adapt much of their lives to aid this fight. We have an opportunity to focus our attention on a real-time biological challenge. Our focus will be to study epidemiology and the spread of infectious diseases. During this research experience, students will take an epidemiological approach to research. Students will look at the incidence, distribution, control of infectious disease, and look for other factors relating to its morbidity and mortality. Students will participate in virtual professional development and site tours, presentations, and designing their own epidemiological study.

 Spring 2024 VER Program Details 

Program duration

  • The program will run for 5-weeks from March 25th - April 26th, 2024.
  • There will be 4 weeks of research programming in the form of virtual meetings held Monday - Thursday from 10AM - 1PM with 1 week of poster preparation at the end. 
  • During the 4 weeks of programming, site visits and professional development will occur on Fridays. Friday meetings may be in person or virtual, time TBD. Examples of past site visits can be found here.

Other important dates 

  • March 20th, 2024 from 10-11AM: Virtual Orientation Meeting 
  • April 26th, 2024 from 10-1PM: VER Program Symposium


  • The following students are eligible for this opportunity: LS-NSSA scholars, PRISM, or S-STEM students
  • No previous research experience is required 
  • Any STEM major can participate



Application Deadline: February 20, 2024 @ 5PM (CST)

Contact Liz Hitch ( for any questions regarding the application process.

ver announcement