Faculty who are interested in getting involved with the Louis Stokes North Star STEM Alliance can do so in a number of ways:

1. Mentor an Alliance student

  • Serve as a departmental liaison to the Alliance
  • Guide students through graduate school planning
  • Guide students into undergraduate research
  • President's Distinguished Faculty Mentoring Program (UMTC)

2. Welcome an Alliance student to your research team

  • Provide an opportunity for LS-NSSA scholars to complete undergraduate research (funding provided by LS-NSSA)
  • Includes undergraduate researchers in international research programs abroad
  • Students can attend regional/national meetings through Alliance funding with your research team
  • Join the LS-NSSA/MnDRIVE summer research program as a faculty mentor! Complete this interest form by December 1 each year to be considered for the upcoming summer research program cycle. 

3. Teaching and Learning

  • Develop a STEM-focused seminar with a multicultural context
  • Propose a customized teaching and learning workshop that promotes multicultural education
  • Apply for a Multicultural Teaching and Learning Fellowship
  • Attend Alliance events

If you are a faculty member and would like to mentor a scholar, hire a scholar as an undergraduate research assistant, or be involved in the teaching and learning part of LS-NSSA, please email nssa@umn.edu.