The North Star STEM Alliance and Minnesota's Discovery, Research, and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) have partnered since 2015 to offer LS-NSSA scholars an exclusive opportunity to conduct research with MnDRIVE faculty at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities during a 10-week summer program.
MnDRIVE is a partnership between the University of Minnesota and the State of Minnesota that aligns areas of research strength with the state’s key and emerging industries to address grand challenges.
LS-NSSA scholars may apply for research opportunities within three areas:
Selected students will gain first-hand experience in scientific investigation in a dynamic, collaborative research environment. Students will be matched with MnDRIVE faculty, who will provide training and support. In addition to research, participants will engage in weekly workshops, create a research poster, and present their findings at the MnDRIVE Research Symposium. Participants will receive up to $6,000 for their research and participation throughout the summer. The stipend is limited to U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents.
2025 Important Dates:
- February 3: Scholar Application opens
- March 14: Scholar Application closes at 11:59 pm
- *March 24 - April 14: Faculty and Intern match period
- May 30: Internship Kick-Off and Luncheon
- June 2: MnDRIVE Program begins
- August 9: Summer Research Internship ends
- August 7: MnDRIVE Summer Research Symposium
*During the match period, selected applicants will begin Phase 2 of the application process. During the intern match period, applicants will be contacted by their faculty choices for an interview to determine best fit. Ultimately, MnDRIVE faculty make the final decision regarding which applicant will participate in the program.
Successful matches will be announced by April 14, 2025
What to Expect
Take a moment to browse through the programming from Summer 2024. This can give you an idea of what you might expect if selected to participate in MnDRIVE/LS-NSSA Summer Research Internship. This includes MnDRIVE faculty and projects, program deliverables, and calendars.

Benefits of participating
- Great experience in STEM, which may lead to a more robust resume and stronger recommendations
- *A competitive stipend funded through financial aid
- Opportunity to produce a poster and present your research at the MnDRIVE Summer Research Symposium
- Housing stipend and/or on-campus housing will be provided to any scholar who does not live in the Twin Cities metro
- Build your professional development and science communication skills
- Connect with your STEM peers
*New this year: We are allowing applicants to select if they want a part- or full-time appointment. The part-time appointment requires 20 hours of work per week and the full-time appointment requires 40 hours of work per week for 10 weeks. The stipend amount will depend on the appointment type.
Part-time stipend: $3,000
Full-time stipend: $6,000
Recommended Qualifications
- Have a GPA above 2.75
- Be fully committed to the research experience (i.e., not planning to hold a full-time job or enroll in a course; applies to full-time appointments only)
- Completed some STEM coursework
- Excited and ready to learn!
- Be/become an LS-NSSA scholar, apply online at northstarstem.org, and email nssa@umn.edu for questions.
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Must not be a graduating senior (May 2025 and August 2025 graduates are not eligible)
How to Apply
The online Scholar application opens on February 3, 2025.
The MnDRIVE Summer Research Internship application must be completed in one sitting and is due by Friday, March 14, 2025, at 5:00 PM.
A sample application PDF and the final application form can be accessed here:
Click Here to Apply!
Items to prepare:
Unofficial transcripts from each college/university you have attended
Please name the file in the following format: Transcript_LastName_FirstName
Written materials
Short Answer Responses (see prompts below)
Please name the file in the following format: ShortAnswer_LastName_FirstName
Personal Statement (see prompt below)
Please name the file in the following format: PS_LastName_FirstName
Letter of Recommendation
Arrange for a letter of recommendation (from a professional reference). Guide to asking for a LOR can be found below.
All letters of recommendation must be emailed by the recommender to LS-NSSA (nssa@umn.edu) by 11:59 PM (CST) on March 17, 2025.
Information for recommenders can be found below.
Short Answer Response Prompts
Please answer the following questions in 150 words or less:
We understand that students have a variety of commitments and engage in various activities outside of the classroom. Please discuss your typical involvement in extracurricular activities, family responsibilities, work, and/or community service.
What are your expectations of your MnDRIVE faculty mentor, lab mates, and the MnDRIVE/LS-NSSA research community during the 10 weeks of the MnDRIVE Summer Research Internship? How do you expect to contribute to the lab, team, and LS-NSSA community?
Personal Statement Prompt
In 500 words or less, submit a personal statement that addresses the following:
- Why you wish to participate in this research program and what you hope to gain through the experience – including any information you feel supports your request to participate (i.e., research experiences, coursework, employment, internships).
- How to reach your career goals through graduate education or future employment.
- Indicates the faculty mentor you are interested in working with and why.
[Application coming soon]
MnDRIVE Summer 2023
Will there be housing for scholars who do not live in the Twin Cities? Yes. We will be providing campus housing for accepted interns who need it.
Will there be parking so that I can park on campus for work? Parking passes will be assessed on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed. Justification will be required.
What are the dates of the research internship? The internship will officially run from June 2, 2025, to August 9, 2025. A mandatory half-day kick-off meeting and luncheon for all MnDRIVE interns and faculty will be on May 30, 2025.
How many hours of work a week is required? The part-time appointment requires 20 hours of work per week and the full-time appointment requires 40 hours of work per week for 10 weeks.
What is the timeline once the application deadline closes? We begin reviewing applications on March 10th. We anticipate completing the application review process by March 21st, and students will hear from us regarding whether their application will proceed to the faculty matching phase or if they have been added to the waitlist. The faculty match process will take place from March 24th - April 14th. The deadline for faculty to match with a scholar is April 14th. During the matching phase, faculty will interview potential candidates to determine the best fit. All acceptances will be sent on or before April 14, 2025.
What if I am accepted to a different research program while I am waiting to be matched with a MnDRIVE faculty mentor? We understand that our program may be one of many you applied to for the summer. If you have decided to pursue a different program, please notify us immediately so we can move onto the next candidate. If you need an update on your application status in order to make a decision between our program and another, please do not hesitate to contact Liz Hitch (hitch110@umn.edu).
How is the stipend distributed? Students receive a stipend check upon successful completion of internship milestones. Checks are disbursed in Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the internship, with the final check disbursed after the internship is complete. Typical milestones include, but are not limited to, regular attendance in the lab and at LS-NSSA workshops and the completion of all assignments by their deadlines. Participants will receive payment via the University payroll system and may elect to receive their stipend by direct deposit or mailed check.
Questions? Contact nssa@umn.edu.